城市生活之所以引人入勝,在於每天24小時總有地方讓你宣洩旺盛活力,讓你無窮盡的好奇心總是滿載驚喜。在你感到疲累的時候,總能有個地方讓你蜷縮起來,讓你得到放鬆,驅走心中的寂寞。《Music in Style》就想扮演這樣的角色,成為你隨身播放器裡永遠不捨磨滅的美麗風景。
於是,城市的光景音色全都寫在這份難得的歌單裡,《Music in Style》網羅Naked NYC靈魂歌姬Lisa Shaw、Filter-House先鋒Wamdue Project,弛放樂大師Chris Coco等箇中巨匠,精選20首輕快雀躍而不燥動的節奏,以及電子、民謠、流行、靈魂等樂風,織造優美如潮汐般疏密有秩的音浪。聽著聽著,宛如身處紐約蘇活區的Loft概念場景,開放式的空間結構讓創意自由奔放,源自城市的心情樂曲律動飄散,《Music in Style》絕不只是弛放身心而已,它更要讓你的靈感與靈魂,永遠有著新的悸動。
CD 1 1. A Night Of Infinity [Danilo Venturi & Alberto Benati ft. Isabelle Anten] [試聽] 2. Take On Me [Minimatic ft. Juliette P.] [試聽] 3. Swim Into The Blue [Varano] [試聽] 4. Forgiveness (Full Lenght Mix) [Wamdue Project ft. Jonathan Mendelsohn] [試聽] 5. Hide Me (Al Usher Mix) [Grandadbob] [試聽] 6. Just Remember [Gate Eight] [試聽] 7. Cherry (Jay`s Nude Vocal) [Lisa Shaw] [試聽] 8. Compromise [Goloka] [試聽] 9. Walk On The Wild Side [Arcoiris] [試聽] 10. I Know You`re There (EK`s Extended Mix) [Eric Kupper Pres. Xenon ft. Bonnie Bailey][試聽] CD 2 1. Little Things [James Bright ft. Rachel Lloyd] [試聽] 2. So Fine (David Thomas Remix) [Eva Abraham] [試聽] 3. Starlight [Chris Coco And Sacha Puttnam ft. Cathy Batistessa] [試聽] 4. Good Time Gril [Liquinova & Subject 13 ft. Dez] [試聽] 5. Human Nature [Eric Kupper Pres. Mantra ft. Robina] [試聽] 6. Si Vous Voulez [Chris Le Blanc ft. Paris Bizarre] [試聽] 7. Underneath The Same Sun [Mooli] [試聽] 8. Love To Suffer [Eric Kupper Pres. Eventide ft. Camilla Grace] [試聽] 9. Late Afternoon [Lorbi] [試聽] 10. Fragment Two...The First Picture [Kenneth Bager ft. Julee Cruise][試聽]